the bad

Plastic pollution is a big problem

Used once and thrown away, plastic lasts a lifetime. We're leaving our kids a world of pain.

  • According to the United Nations, of the seven billion tonnes of plastic waste generated globally, less than 10% has been recycled, with the rest in landfill and polluting our environment and oceans.

  • Without change, fossil fuel plastics could account for 15% of the world’s carbon budget, by 2050.

  • Everyday bags, bottles and wraps are single-use.

  • Made from fossil fuels, additives and toxic chemicals.

  • It entraps sea life and causes microplastics, getting into our food chain.

Without change, there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050

Without change, there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans by 2050

Where does plastic end up?

Recycling is broken

Globally, just 9% of plastic is recycled. More plastic is burnt than recycled.

Single-use plastic is harming our oceans

Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our oceans.

89% of it is single-use plastic.

How long does plastic last?

  • Plastic Bag
    20 years
  • Plastic Cup
    30 years
  • Plastic straws
    200 years
  • Six pack ring
    400 years

Five trillion plastic bags will be used this year alone

Five trillion plastic bags will be used this year alone

Demand is growing

According to the United Nations 430 million tonnes of plastic is produced every year.

Production is forecast to triple by 2060

Microplastics are harming our health

One of the most damaging parts of plastic pollution is microplastics, a growing problem for human and environmental health.

More than 3000 chemicals used in plastic production are hazardous.

The clock is ticking

Earth doesn’t digest plastic, neither do humans or animals.

People want plastic but not the harm that it brings. Ready for something Better?

Plastic can get complex.

But stripped to the essentials, it's a story of the Good, the Bad, (and now with Enzide) the Better.